At Connection Pointe, we take baptism seriously. It’s important to us because it was important to Christ. Jesus himself was baptized to lead the way in teaching us how to go public with our faith.


Baptism is an important step and expression of faith, and if you haven’t been baptized since placing your faith in Christ, then we want to invite you to take that step. Every believer in Jesus should be baptized as a response to placing their faith in him (Acts 2:41). If Jesus did it and tells us to do the same, that should be enough for everyone who chooses to follow Jesus! 


To align with the Biblical model of baptism happening at an age of decision, we reserve baptism for children that are in Kindergarten or above. As parents you are the best qualified to help determine if your child is ready to make this decision. If you would like support in determining your child's readiness, our Children’s Pastor is happy to assist you! You can contact him at


If you have a child under the age of Kindergarten and would like more information on child dedications, click here.


Have questions? We have the answers!

What is the meaning of baptism?
Why be baptized by emersion?
Who should be baptized?
What about infant baptism?
When should I be baptized?
Why do we express so much joy and excitement when someone is baptized?
How are baptisms done at Connection Pointe and who administers them?